Innovative AI Solutions for the

Maritime Industry

Expert guidance for complex customer queries

AI-driven support: Catharina Ostrowski, experienced Head of Sales at FEHRMANN Windows, faces daily challenges with complex customer inquiries, such as ad hoc questions about “galvanic corrosion”. Previously, addressing these questions was time-consuming and cumbersuome since in-house materials experts have limited availability. With MatGPT, Catharina can quickly and accurately retrieve and provide detailed explanations, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining her workflow.

Navigating increased market demands

Reliable knowledge retrieval: The maritime industry is constantly evolving with new market demands and stringent requirements. MatGPT excels in retrieving and processing vast amounts of technical information, enabling the team to stay ahead of market trends and deliver innovative solutions promptly.

Boosting Productivity

AI-enhanced productivity: As everywhere, the industry faces a shortage of skilled labour, making it challenging to meet production and customer service needs. MatGPT empowers the FEHRMANN Windows team by providing instant access to expert knowledge, allowing them to handle more tasks independently and efficiently before needing to involve specialized experts.

Supporting high-profile projects

Streamlined access to technical data: FEHRMANN Windows has a rich history of delivering exceptional products, such as the ship windows for the research ship Polarstern 1. However, this vessel launced decades ago, making it difficult to access historical data. With MatGPT, the team can effortlessly retrieve and utilize technical data from past projects, significantly easing and accelerating work on high-profile assignments like the Polarstern 2.

Catharina Ostrowski, Head of Sales FEHRMANN Windows

“MatGPT has transformed the way I handle customer inquiries. The ability to provide accurate, detailed responses quickly has improved our customer interactions and allowed me to focus on more strategic tasks. Accessing historical data from similar past projects has streamlined our processes and ensured that we maintain the highest quality standards.”

Addressing challenges in maritime manufacturing processes with MatGPT

Corrosion Resistance

MatGPT assists in predicting and mitigating corrosion processes, facilitating the development of durable window materials that meet new requirement profiles.

Improved Material Performance

Our AI-driven system optimizes material properties, enhancing the performance and longevity of our window products.

Cost Efficiency

MatGPT analyzes supply chain and production data, reducing waste and optimizing design for sustainable products.

Quality Assurance

By utilizing materials testing data, MatGPT identifies defects or deviations, ensuring reliability and speeding up market readiness.

Ready to elevate your maritime manufacturing solutions with the power of AI?

Contact us to discuss how MatGPT can integrate into your operations and drive significant advancements in materials development. Partner with us and let MatGPT transform your industry challenges into opportunities for productivity gains and innovation.